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Parking - Student Drop Off & Pick Up

Traffic is heavy both before and after school. parent parking is located on the south side of the school. Please do not park in no parking areas! Curbs painted RED are no parking areas. 


Harold S. Winograd K-8 School expects that students understand and follow bicycle safety rules before being allowed to ride to school.  All bicycles ridden to school should be locked in the bicycle racks.  All riders should wear safety helmets.  The school does not assume liability for bicycles.  Bicycles must be parked in the designated bicycle racks promptly upon arrival at school.  For safety, bicycles need to be walked on and off the school grounds.

Skateboards and Scooters

Skateboards and scooters are not to be ridden on school grounds and students are asked to remove in-line skates when on school property.  Shoes with wheels are not allowed at school.  After a warning to remind students of this rule, students may be asked to leave these items at home for a given length of time. Students who continue to violate this rule will have their items confiscated.  A parent/guardian will need to come to school to pick up this item.