Winograd Courage
Winograd Cubs are expected to demonstrate courage in their words and actions at Winograd, at home, and in the community.
The following positive descriptions of behavior are based on the types of courage we look for at Winograd in order to maintain excellence in our learning environment. Also listed are behaviors that absolutely result in disciplinary action.
Show care for others, be kind, helpful, considerate, show good manenrs, be friendly, give compliments.
Have a good attitude, be cheerful, enthusiastic, show a sense of humor, problem solve, apologize, make amends, show determination and perseverance ,good manners, fairness, and patience.
Work together, cooperation, fairness, support one another.
Treat others the way you want to be treated, problem solve, conflict resolution, show high regard for self, others, and property.
Set and reach for goals, try your best, persistence, perseverance, humility, and uniqueness.
Give to others, share of time and talent, community service, citizenship.
Strive to be your best, self control, honesty, responsibility, dependability, reliability.
Behaviors that aboslutely result in immediate disciplinary action:
- Physical violence/dangerous behavior
- Possession of weapon or dangerous objects
- Harassment, threats, and bullying behavior
- Insubordination-repeated refusal to follow adult directives
- Directed swearing
- Vandalism
- Possession of drugs/alcohol